Ten new members of staff have joined the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE), Secretariat, while two old members, Mrs. Florence Chimbumu and Mr. Takwana Mangwende were successful in the interviews for the posts of Chief Operating Officer and Director Audit and Risk Management respectively. The ten new members assumed duty on 6 January 2020.
All were successfully interviewed towards the end of 2019 to fill posts on the ZIMCHE’s new organogram created in line with the ZIMCHE’s vision of transforming the standards of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Zimbabwe.
Most of the new members have worked for a number of years in Higher and Tertiary Education. The ZIMCHE Chief Executive Officer, Prof Kuzvinetsa Dzvimbo is delighted to congratulate and welcome the following new members of staff to the ZIMCHE Secretariat team:
- Prof. R. Chireshe – Chief Director, Quality Assurance, Practices and Procedures
- Prof. F.Z. Gumbo – Chief Director, Health and Life Sciences;
- Mr. G. Mahembe, – Director Finance;
- Mrs. M. Matawu – Director Administration;
- Mr. T. Mangwende – Director, Audit and Risk Management Unit
- Mrs F. Chimbumu – Chief Operating Officer, CEO’s Office;
- Mrs. P. Madamu – Officer Audit and Risk Unit;
- Mr. S. Sauro – Officer, Audit and Risk Unit;
- Mrs. R. Muzah – PA to the CEO;
- Mr N. Chirara – Driver CEO’s Office; and
- Ms. Talent A. Maturure – CEO’s office