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Workshop on Finalising the Policy Framework for Internatisation of Higher and Tertiary Education in Zimbabwe

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The Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE)   and the Nottingham  University, its collaborating partner in the research on Internalisation of Higher and Tertiary Education (IHE) in Zimbabwe presented the draft framework to the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development, Prof dr. Amon Murwira on 21 January 2020 at a workshop held at the Rainbow Towers in Harare. The workshop was attended by the Research Council of Zimbabwe, Vice-Chancellors of Universities, Registrars from all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Principals of Teachers’ and Polytechnic Colleges from institutions in Zimbabwe as well as staff from the ZIMCHE and Ministry Higher and Tertiary Education Science and Technology Development, and other government arms officials.
Prof. dr Amon Murwira applauded the draft framework and urged Universities and Colleges to adopt the framework and to begin implementing the recommendations outlined in the framework immediately.  
Dr Evelyn Garwe and Professor Juliet Thondhlana from the ZIMCHE and Nottingham University respectively are the lead researchers on the project funded by both Zimbabwe and the UK. In conducting the study the lead researchers worked with Registrars from all Universities in Zimbabwe who combed through various pieces of policies that govern Higher and Tertiary Education in Zimbabwe and constructed the framework drawing insight from both local and international best practices.  The participants at the workshop expressed satisfaction with both the content and process of coming up with the draft framework.  The Higher and Tertiary Education leadership expressed eagerness to implement a carefully thought out internationalisation policy. 
Prof Sabelo Ndlovu Gatsheni of the University of South Africa presented a breathtaking keynote commentary on the Transformative Approach to Internationalisation of Higher and Tertiary Education while making his contribution to the framework implementation in Zimbabwe at the workshop.  Prof Paul Knight University of Nottingham and Dr. Hadiza Abudulrahman of Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, UK spiced up the workshop by presenting informative critiques on Operationalising the IHE policy and the State of IHE in Sub Saharan Africa.