- Align existing accreditation instruments to the National Vision 2030 and the National critical strategic documents (ZNQF, Ministry Doctrine, Industrial Parks and 2018 National Skills Audit Report) and MBKs;
- Develop new accreditation instruments that respond to the new strategic thrust for modernisation and industrialisation;
- Re-configure the ZIMCHE general quality assurance standards for higher education, standard operating procedures and policies, to take on board the new strategic thrust as enunciated in the four national critical strategic documents;
- Collaborate with all HEIs on the centrality of the National Vision 2030, the four national critical documents and on the updated accreditation instruments;
- Review all university Charters, Acts and Special Charters to reflect the new strategic thinking;
- Develop norms and standards for MBKs, HE curricula, infrastructure and special facilities;
- Review the following: Model for Under Graduate and Postgraduate training, and Higher Education Industry linkages;
- Align the ZIMCATS to the new Ministerial and National Strategic thrust;
- Register or de-register higher education institutions;
- Regulate the operations of arms of foreign universities in Zimbabwe;
- Determine the equivalence of foreign qualifications to Zimbabwean qualifications for those people who study outside Zimbabwe;
- Accredit all institutions of higher education in Zimbabwe;
- Accredit and re-accredit study programmes after every five years. Particular attention is paid to inter alia, quality assurance as it relates to the relevance, length and depth of programmes offered by institutions of higher education, financial resources available to the institutions, the calibre of staff, physical infrastructure, equipment, strategic leadership, examination standards, and management efficiency;
- Monitor the compliance of degree awarding institutions to the requirements of the ZIMCHE Act.